I had a "Giant Cavernous Aneurysm" behind my left eye. I went to Dallas for surgery and it was killed...however post op my eye is unresponsive. It is if I am looking out of a steamy shower door. Some days it is better than others. Please pray that my sight will be restored. God has been putting words on my heart that I feel I must put on paper. The following thoughts are those I feel that the Lord is speaking to me lately. Enjoy.

July 01, 2005

Over The Hell Party

I just left my brother-in-law’s “Over the Hill” 50th birthday party. It was equipped with walkers, balloons, depressing cards and everything black.

As I sat there staring at all of the blackness and depression, I started thinking of the “Over the Hell” party that God has in store for His children. This party is the key to escape the Hell on Earth that so many walk through.

Some have been to their party, some have not. For those who have chosen to be a follower of Christ, they don’t regret it. Those who have not, have no idea what’s in store for them.

God’s party is ill-equipped with depressing balloons and cards; rather His party is decorated with life, grace, hope and redemption. At your party, you’ll find your life takes a turn, not only in the life after, but surprisingly in this life now. Your party is an infusion of power for this life. Power is given to make right decisions, power to live your best life now.

Your party will even have party favors. You walk away with the favor of God’s Holy Spirit. What an amazing gift. This heart inhabitant is the key to better understanding God. So many questions will be answered about why God is, who God is, what God is, and how God is. None of these questions will be fully answered, but you will begin to experience clarity in some of these areas.

Accept your invitation to your private “Over the Hell” party God has waiting for you. Your world will change.


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