I had a "Giant Cavernous Aneurysm" behind my left eye. I went to Dallas for surgery and it was killed...however post op my eye is unresponsive. It is if I am looking out of a steamy shower door. Some days it is better than others. Please pray that my sight will be restored. God has been putting words on my heart that I feel I must put on paper. The following thoughts are those I feel that the Lord is speaking to me lately. Enjoy.

June 02, 2005

God’s Kid

My 4 year old, Luke, is amazing…he says the coolest things. I was beginning to pray for our dinner tonight when he stopped me. He reminded me to “Thank God for the mountains, and thank God that He sent His ‘kid’ to earth to die on the cross for our sins. Also remember to thank God that His ‘kid’ came out from behind the big rock, and went back to Heaven.”

For the record, on any other night Luke would have said “Jesus.” Luke talks more about Jesus, Angels and God more than any other child I have ever heard. But tonight he chose to refer to Jesus as God’s “kid.” I absolutely loved it!

As many times as I have thought about the enormity of the sacrifice made by God to allow His son to be murdered, I have never thought of Jesus as God’s “kid.” It changes things in my mind. It personalizes it for me…perhaps because I have 3 kids of my own. Seeing this from a child’s perspective was enlightening.

Often times we look at the crucifix and see Jesus hanging on the tree, and it is difficult to bring the man to life. The pictures and statues seem very formal and ceremonial.

Perhaps it would become more personal if we inserted the word “kid” or “child” into some of the memory verses we learned as ‘kids.’

“This is my beloved kid…I am very pleased with my child.”

“God loved the world so much, that He allowed His only Child to be killed for us.”

“In the beginning was God’s kid, and God was with His child.”

“God did not save His own child’s life, but delivered His kid up for us all.”

Sometimes it is difficult to allow Jesus to come out of the gold lined pages of our Bible and enter our day to day activities. Perhaps the reason is because we don’t fully recognize his humanness.

The key to closeness and intimacy with the Child of God is fully grasping and believing that Jesus is real. He is active. He is our peace. He is our ticket to Heaven. He is why we are spotless in the eyes of His Father.

He is God’s kid.


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