I had a "Giant Cavernous Aneurysm" behind my left eye. I went to Dallas for surgery and it was killed...however post op my eye is unresponsive. It is if I am looking out of a steamy shower door. Some days it is better than others. Please pray that my sight will be restored. God has been putting words on my heart that I feel I must put on paper. The following thoughts are those I feel that the Lord is speaking to me lately. Enjoy.

April 28, 2005

Peter, Peter Water Eater

Do you ever get that sinking feeling? You look up and realize the Titanic is going down, and you’re Leonardo DiCaprio? Peter knows exactly how you feel.

The story was pretty amazing. Jesus sends the disciples out in the boat so that he can have some peace and quiet to be with his Dad. When he finishes, he’s finds his buddies way out to sea. Jesus is in need of aquatic transportation. Jesus, being Jesus, decides that he would just start walking…on the water. I wonder if this is the first time he had ever done it. Or perhaps when we get to Heaven, will we find out that he often did this as a child. I can picture Mary saying, “Jesus, please get down in the pool with the rest of the children.” I digress.

As Jesus approached the boat, his best friends thought he was a ghost. Keep in mind that by this time they had seen this man 1) bring a girl back from dead, 2) heal a mute man to speak again, 3) restore a man’s withered hand, 4) give sight to a couple of blind guy’s, 5) drive out demons from people. And this was only the beginning.

They, of all people, knew the miraculous power of Jesus. They lived it. They breathed it. However, when they saw Jesus walking on the water, it was too much…it was over the top, even for the miracle worker.

In order for Peter to believe it was really Jesus, he was going to have to give it a whirl. So he asked Jesus if he could join him for a stroll on the sea. Everything goes extremely well until Peter becomes scared. When doubt set in, he felt the weight of the circumstances surrounding him. Humanness began to sink Peter. Because of his fear and sudden lack of faith, he found himself disappearing into the depths of the dark sea.

For those who haven’t seen the movie, Jesus comes through. Peter looks up with his panicked eyes and reaches for his “life preserver.” Jesus reached down into the darkness and rescued his child…immediately. I love that the Bible tells us that Jesus “immediately” rescues His children from darkness.

Like Peter, when circumstances pile up around you, do you begin doubting and find yourself slowly sinking into the darkness? We all find ourselves there. Life is going great, and then something unscheduled happens. Without Christ, sinking is the only alternative. It’s just the laws of physics. You can no longer remain afloat. Physically you can only bear the weight for so long before it begins to crush you and your spirit.

Or do you find yourself out on the water with your Daddy through the good times and the bad? There is no greater feeling in the world. Not only have you ‘stepped out of the boat’ in faith, but you now begin to do things that are supernatural. You begin to live in a higher plain of faith and dependence on your God. You’ve just found the key to unlock the door of Heaven, and blessings begin to flood into your life.

Become a wave walker. Leave the comfort of the boat, and step out in faith knowing that your Saving Grace is there waiting. Your greatest growth happens when you leave the boat. Faith is increased. Love is deepened. Dependence on the Lord reaches depths that you’ve never imagined. The freedom of complete dependence can only be experienced here.

Where do you find yourself sinking? Is it your health, your finances, your family, your relationships, your work or your walk with the Lord? Isn’t it incredible to know that Christ will never leave you, even in your darkest hour?

Which one of these areas resembles the Titanic? Unlike Leonardo, you only have to extend your hand to be rescued. Christ is waiting to pull you back up to once again walk on water.

Step out of the boat and believe that the same Lord who ordered the waves and winds to calm, can also calm the storm in you and around you.


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