I had a "Giant Cavernous Aneurysm" behind my left eye. I went to Dallas for surgery and it was killed...however post op my eye is unresponsive. It is if I am looking out of a steamy shower door. Some days it is better than others. Please pray that my sight will be restored. God has been putting words on my heart that I feel I must put on paper. The following thoughts are those I feel that the Lord is speaking to me lately. Enjoy.

April 25, 2005

An Open Letter To Non-Christ Followers

This letter will not contain the words ‘Hell, Hades, Purgatory, Hot or Lake of Fire,’ so please read on.

I want to share with you from one man’s perspective why you simply can not keep resisting the love of God. It’s too great. The pull is as weighty as gravity itself. Stand up and jump. Did you feel it…gravity won’t let you go far before you are brought back to your source. So it is with God. Deep down, whether or not you have recognized it yet, there is a pulling in your heart to find your way back to your Daddy.

God, being the Creator of life draws you to Him. You were born from Him and your natural instinct is to find Him again. But because you live in a world that tries to find happiness in everything but God, you play the game.

Money is fun for a while, but the proverbial tail-chasing of getting ahead becomes tiresome. Drugs and alcohol…temporary fixes until the next morning when you find yourself making deals with the very God you’re not sure exists. By the way, the Lord sits on a throne made out of something other than porcelain. Sex can be satisfying short-term, but then the hole in your gut returns. These are all temporary band-aids that eventually peel off, and the sore is exposed once again. So how do you stop exposing the sore? The One who created your being is the only one who understands how to heal it. No band-aid required.

What father would intentionally hurt his child? The bible answers this by giving the following example. It asks the question, “What father, when he is asked by his child for bread would give him stones instead?” In other words your Heavenly Daddy longs to love on you, not to hurt you. He longs to prepare a feast for your return. He desires time with you again. Those pebbles you’re chewing on were put there by your own hand. God longs for you to spit out the pebbles and feed you fresh-baked San Francisco sourdough instead.

For those who have been hurt by religion, I want to say that my heart is heavy for you. You tried. You went to church or to camp or became close to a man or a woman of God that abused you…physically, emotionally, financially or spiritually. I truly don’t blame you. I would be hurt too. The very people who you thought would love you, hurt you. You were hurt by humans, not the God of Life. His plans for you are good plans.

As hard as this is to say, maybe it’s time to forgive. The wounds are deep and it may take time. But today is a good day to start. The best time to plant a tree was 40 years ago. The second best time is today. Just as you have mercy on your husband or wife or significant other, healing will come from forgiveness. If you never deal with the pain, that part of your heart will always be wounded, never feeling the freedom from the burden.

If you’ve tried religion and got bored, try relationship instead. Jesus wants nothing more than to walk with you through your daily trials. He’s really there. Can’t see Him? Nor can you see the next batch of air you will breath in your lungs, but you have faith it’s there. It’s a difficult process, and one that will take time to accept.

You have resisted for so long. Although through His perfect plan He allows you to screw up, He understands that ultimately you can never be happy until you find your way back.

Believing that God exists is not a spineless act. Just the contrary, you believe in a Being that creates the very air you breathe. Have you ever ridden a roller coaster? Just as you sit in a roller coaster you believe in the one who designed it, built it, and maintains it for your very life. Congratulations, you have the capability of putting your life in something you can not see. Now, consider putting your life in the hands of the One who knit you together. He knows you. He believes in you. He is your number one cheerleader. He’s a good one to have on your sideline.

Unless you enjoy ripping your hair out every time you remove another band-aid, look to Heaven for the answer. Spit out your gritty rocks and begin enjoying the feast your Maker has for you.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Friend, the universe is a cold, nasty chaos. God neither gives nor takes away. What you are going through is random and cruel. The strength you are finding to bear it is YOURS. YOU are your own power. I'd like to see you give yourself some credit. Good luck.

2:33 PM


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