City Of Angels
“Don't forget to show hospitality to strangers, for some who have done this have entertained angels without realizing it...Jesus Christ is the same yesterday, today, and forever.” Hebrews 13: 2, 8
Consider this verse for a second. Do you find it absolutely amazing, as I do, that within the same thought, we are told that there are angels among us, and our world is the same yesterday, today and tomorrow? Our God has not changed. Perhaps, there really are angels among us.
Imagine comforting the one who no one else wants to comfort. You know the one..the disfigured, the lonely or the one whom everyone else looks away from when they walk near. You might be showing grace to one of God’s finest.
Imagine offering to pay a dollar for the guy in front of you in line at the store who comes up short at the register. You might have just loaned a buck to an angel.
Imagine taking your family to the local shelter to feed the homeless. While modeling for your family the concept of true service, you just might be serving an angel sent by God Himself.
Imagine, instead of judging the man standing with crutches at the traffic light asking for money, you actually blessed him. Is it feasible that maybe, just maybe you might have just passed the test given to you by our Maker?
I believe you have. If you fully believe the Bible, and you truly trust that our God is the same yesterday, today and tomorrow, this concept will transform the way you view servant hood. The way in which you treat others will forever be changed. Your newfound hospitality will revolutionize your world.
Today, as you travel, search out those whom you can bless. Pray that God will put people in your path that need a touch; you just might be touching Heaven…literally.
But what if one day it’s revealed that out of all of those people you served on this tiny blue planet, none were actually angels. None were sent from Heaven to test your hearing as the Spirit gently whispers to you. Does it really matter? Again, if we believe the truths of scripture, Jesus says it does matter. He says “I assure you, when you did it to one of the least of these my brothers and sisters, you were doing it to me!”
Lord, I pray today you allow me to share my time, my resources, and my talents with those who need a touch from you. Lord, if you choose to put in front of me angels from Heaven, or a con artist on a corner, let it be no different…because in Your eyes it is not. You call me to serve and to love those around me unconditionally. Thank you for trusting me to be your hands and your feet, as I travel this world. I accept the challenge.
I love this thought.
2:30 PM
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